"Love never fails. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

19 July 2014

Tribute to MH17 Victims.

Tribute to MH17 Plane Crash Victims.

We rush our life, afraid to end the race last. But if we know the race would be this short, we might not run, but walk, walk leisurely.

The heart breaking tragic incident reminds me of how fragile our life is. 

Yet, we so often are so obstinate, we so often are so selfish, we so often hate another, we so often hide our feelings, we so often talk too much, we so often listen too little, we so often take another for granted, we so often neglect our loved ones, we so often follow blindly, we so often wear a mask, and we so often fight the meaningless war. 

We so seldom give hugs, we so seldom say sincere goodbyes, we so seldom speak the truth, we so seldom be honest with ourself, we so seldom look at the stars, we so seldom appreciate silence, we so seldom make sacrifices, we so seldom care, we so seldom make peace, we so seldom keep promises and we so seldom love. 

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